Fun Way to Give Money on Valentine’s Day

origami currency heart

Hi Everyone! Terri’s assistant Carol here. I keep trying origami and struggling, but I was determined to make a heart. After watching videos on you tube and being frustrated that people’s fingers were in the way, I thought I would share what I learned with you with step out photos. Yes, I tried the instructions sheets too — how fast can you say craft fail?  I bet there are a few more people out there that will find this visual helpful. Fingers crossed. I thought it was pretty simple once I could see which direction the folds went.

I even put a heart dollar on my fiance’s computer keyboard.

You could put these in a card, add a few with double sided tape to a card, or if you get really good, sit and fold them in from of your children or tweens and watch them say wow!

Tip: Start with a nice crisp bill.


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Terri O

Terri O

Your favorite crafter

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