Wedding Sneakers with Bows and Blooms

180-wedding-shoesCompletion Time: 30 minutes + drying time

Materials Needed:

Pair of inexpensive, white canvas shoes
Remnants of lace, beads, buttons, bows
1-1/2 to 2 yards of wired ribbon (for shoe laces)
Aleene’s Flexible Stretchable Fabric Glue


Step 1:
Trim larger pieces of remnants and snip loose threads.
Step 2:
Lay decorative items onto the shoe into the pattern you desire, using bigger pieces first then filling in with smaller pieces.
Step 3:
After you have the desired look, carefully glue each piece to the shoe.
Step 4:
Let dry for 24 hours or more.

Helpful Hints:
If you live in Arizona, decorative materials available at S.A.S. Fabrics. Ribbon shoelaces can be purchased at your local big box craft store.

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Terri O

Terri O

Your favorite crafter

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