Colorful Gluten-Free Birthday Tray with Wheat Grass

Super Simple with Terri OOur Sonoran Living producer Margo is a gluten & sugar free vegan. So when her birthday rolled around we did not know what we could do to celebrate it with the staff and honor her wishes at the same time. I came up with this idea and just loved it so much I wanted to share it with you.

First purchase a tray of wheat grass from the store. I found mine at Whole Foods for about $10. I kept it cool and fresh by placing it on top of a wet towel that I laid on cookie sheet. I spritzed the grass often with a water bottle to keep it fresh. Make sure you ask them for the newest tray. You want the grass to be short as possible. Most people want the grass to be longer so they can cut it and juice it so be sure to specify.

wheat grass veggie tray Terri ONext pick fruits and vegetables you like as well as based on color. I used things like purple kale and radicchio for the outside of the flowers and yellow and red bell peppers for the inside. I also used carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, strawberries, grapefruit and oranges. You can use anything you like.

You want to make your tray as close to the event as possible because it’s important to keep it cool. I made mine the day before, covered it with wet paper towels and kept it outside where the temperature was cool, around 50 degrees. You will have to be creative if it’s hot outside and it won’t fit into your refrigerator.

Wrap the outside with saran wrap. It keeps everything in place while transporting.


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Terri O

Terri O

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